Family-Friendly Score
Based on facilities, location, and visitor reviews
📢 Family Tips: Book tickets online in advance to avoid queues. Best times to visit are weekday mornings. Consider the Fast Track option during peak seasons if visiting with young children.

2 accessible toilets with baby changing table. Space is big enough for pram. Toilets are available for all customers.

Essential Info

⏰ Hours: 11 AM – 6 PM (Daily)

🌍 Location: Riverside Building, County Hall

⭐ Rating: 4.4/5 from 1,576 reviews

🔗 Website: londoneye.com

Family Facilities

♿ Wheelchair/Buggy Access

💳 Credit Cards Accepted

🚻 Toilets Available

🎫 Online Booking Available

Family Benefits

360° Views

Perfect for exciting family photos

30-Minute Experience

Ideal duration for children

Central Location

Near other family attractions

Climate Controlled

Comfortable in all weather

Best Times for Families

💡 Tip: Early morning visits tend to be quietest