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When a baby leaks through should i go to a bigger size?

When a baby leaks through should i go to a bigger size?

When a baby experiences leaking through their diaper, it is often a sign that it’s time to consider moving up to a larger size. Here are key indicators that suggest a size change is necessary:

  1. Frequent Leaks or Blowouts: If your baby is consistently leaking through their diaper, this is one of the most obvious signs that the diaper may be too small. A diaper that is too small cannot contain the mess effectively, leading to leaks[2][4].

  2. Weight Range: Check the weight range indicated on the diaper packaging. If your baby is nearing or exceeding the upper limit of the current size, it’s advisable to move up a size. This is especially relevant if your baby is at the higher end of the weight range for their current diaper size[1][2].

  3. Red Marks: Look for any red marks around your baby’s waist or thighs after removing the diaper. These marks can indicate that the diaper is too tight and may be causing discomfort, suggesting it’s time for a larger size[2][4].

  4. Difficulty Fastening: If you struggle to fasten the diaper tabs comfortably at the waist, or if the tabs do not reach the center of the waistband, this is another sign that you should consider a bigger size[2][3].

  5. Coverage: Ensure that the diaper adequately covers your baby’s bottom. If it doesn’t fully cover the area, it may be too small. A well-fitting diaper should sit just below the belly button and cover the buttocks completely[1][3].

In summary, if your baby is leaking through their diaper frequently, showing signs of discomfort, or if the diaper does not fit well, it is likely time to move up to a larger size.

[1] https://www.pampers.co.uk/safety-and-commitment/nappies-and-wipes/article/nappy-leaks-prevent-leaks-and-blowouts-by-ensuring-the-right-nappy-fit
[2] https://www.huggies.com/en-us/resources/parenting/everyday-diaper-tips/movin-on-up-signs-for-knowing-when-to-size-up-on-diapers
[3] https://www.pampers.co.uk/safety-and-commitment/nappies-and-wipes/article/pampers-nappy-size-and-type-guide
[4] https://kitandkin.com/blogs/news/5-signs-your-baby-s-nappy-is-too-small
[5] https://www.reddit.com/r/NewParents/comments/119187k/does_it_look_like_its_time_to_size_up_lo_peed/
[6] https://www.mumsnet.com/talk/parenting/4468326-Nighttime-nappy-leaks

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